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All You Need for the Ideal Handling of Sewing Machine Needles

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

By Groz-Beckert

Groz-Beckert INH Quality Management

What sewing plants definitely must avoid is the risk of injury to the end-user by a broken sewing machine needle left in the garment. Such incidents can also lead to costly compensation claims.

INH needle dispensing trolley

The patented INH (Ideal Needle Handling) Quality Management, developed by Groz-Beckert, facilitates the handling of sewing machine needles within the production process and supports adherence to the compliance regulations.

INH improves the efficiency of a sewing production as it helps to quickly find all fragments of the broken needle and document the breakage, also contributing to safety.

The main element of INH is the needle dispensing trolley, which can replace the complete needle dispensary. The trolley not only stores new needles and various useful tools but is also the collection point for used and broken needles. All needle changes are also documented directly on the trolley.

The digital elements of the solution are INH@site and INH@office. To avoid manual documentation and physical storage of needle fragments, INH Quality Management provides two software components: the mobile app INH@site and the browser-based management program INH@office. The app, installed on a tablet on the trolley, can be used to take a picture of the broken needle and save it digitally. Also, all other needle changes can be documented for a complete chain of evidence. The browser-based management program INH@office is used to enter all data, such as production orders or sewing lines with machine inventory.

This article was shared by Groz-Beckert. You can learn more here. Groz-Beckert is a SPESA member. You can also learn more about Groz-Beckert's latest needle and sinker innovations here.

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